This content is moving... The new home of our emerging technology podcasts and screencasts is Chariot Emerging Tech. The current feed will be retired soon.

News you can use

Thanks to Sujan and Joel for a great 70th podcast. Brought to you by R3D5 - R2D2's older brother. It knows where you dropped your keys... And it wants $75.00 to bring them to you.

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-70-12-2-2013.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:21pm EDT

Don't forget to rate us as one of your favorite tech podcasts on the LifeHacker blog article - we'd appreciate it!

Show Notes

Direct download: Chariot-Developer-News-Episode-69-2013-11-25.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:39pm EDT

Help us spread the word - Go to the LifeHacker Favorite Podcasts post and spread the word. That's or if you're typing this, (ok, not much shorter, but we're working on it!

Show Notes

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-68-2013-11-18.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:12pm EDT



  • Thanks to @tfnico, @lincolnthree, and @mxsb55 for the positive feedback to @techcast on Twitter!
Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-67-11-04-2013.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 9:58am EDT

We talk about a good REST tutorial using HATEOAS, how Capchas have been hacked by a machine learning system, the Jboss Forge project, and more.

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-66-2013-10-28.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 9:15pm EDT


Direct download: Chariot-Developer-News-Episode-65-2013-10-23.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 11:26pm EDT

Topic List

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-64-2013-10-14.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:09pm EDT

The links

Sponsored by Haydle - ask, answer and rate answers to your company's questions, Data I/O 2013 a conference featuring a variety of technologies and techniques for dealing with large-scale and sophisticated data, and Chariot Education Services, providing training in Java, Spring, Maven/Nexus, Groovy/Grails, Hibernate, Map/Reduce and more.

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-63-2013-10-07.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:21pm EDT


"I can't stand a standing desk, but I can chase a running VM..."

This episode is light on iOS, heavy on Java and Javascript, and covers some large-scale processing and machine learning articles to boot.


Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-62-2013-10-01.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 1:04pm EDT

Untitled Document

This is a pretty busy one, so we'll dispense with the comments and go right to the links.
Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-61-2013-09-25.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 11:50am EDT

This week - it's Not about Furby, but about the new Apple iPhones. Your hosts, Ken Rimple, Sujan Kapadia and Joel Confino talk about whether they'd go out and buy one, whether they still display the same appeal, and what's under the surface that could be a potential game changer.

We also cover former Charioteer Brian O'Niell's Long Tail Treasure trove, a great JavaZone talk about some fantastic APIs he's used, Spring's new YARN framework for Hadoop 2.0, the Go language, $100 tablets, and more robot overlords.

The links

  • Want a quick way to create a fast, Netty-based server? Check out this GitHub project, RestExpress
  • And more about Netty... Why Netty? Java's Native IO (nio) of course!
  • Hadoop 2.0 introduces YARN. But how to ball up some YARN? Let's use Spring YARN for developing Hadoop YARN applications
  • Before he went off to the west coast to work for NING and GroupOn, Brian McCallister worked at Chariot. He has a great JavaZone slide deck - The Long Tail Treasure Trove- a set of APIs he's used on various projects. Joel talks about:
      • Xbean Finder - Find all of the classes in a jar that have your custom annotation. It uses ASM for speed and security.
      • Airline - a Java annotation-based framework for parsing Git like command line structures
      • JAnsi - Eliminate boring console output from your Java apps, let’s you do cools, etc...
      • Netflix Feign - Easily write Java clients that consume Web Services (alternative to Jersey, etc)
      • Jackson module afterburner - a Jackson module that uses bytecode generation to further speed up data binding (+30-40% throughput for serialization, deserialization)

    (pause for cheesy marketing) - And if you act now, much, much more!!!

  • IP Law and FOSS - one can help the other - an interesting take on how copyright, patents, trademark laws can intersect with open source projects.
Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-60-Dont-Give-Joel-A-Furby-2013-09-16.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 2:35pm EDT

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-59-09-09-2013.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 12:02pm EDT

The Developer News is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services. Get trained in Scala, Spring, Grails, Maven, Nexus, and more.

Links, please!

  • A nice, involved, deep tutorial on building a fantasy football league manager using AngularJS.
  • Vert.X has really come into its own - a great article by JavaWorld on version 2.0.
  • Duck, wait for the flash - here is Spring Scala. Now you can not only host scala-based Spring Beans, but define your bean contexts in a handy DSL ala the JavaConfig variant.
  • Spock (a groovy-based JUnit behavior-driven testing engine) keeps impressing Ken - he saw an 'old()' method that blew his mind. Several hours later, he got up and posted a link to this Blog article on mrhaki.
  • How about an Arduino networking board that can communicate up to more than a thousand meters! Wow! The boards are to be mesh-network capable too.
  • Since they're both Spring Geeks, Sujan and Ken spend time discussing this 2011 article on the corner cases around transactional testing in Spring.
  • Somebody, go over and poke Progressive Enhancement with a stick. Is it dead yet? Maybe... Read Tom Dale's take on the subject.
  • The link we've been waiting for - in London, a lens was formed by a building's curved windowed surface that MELTED A CAR - well a bit. Read this fascinating verge article on it.
Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-58-2013-09-03.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 9:40pm EDT

Direct download: Chariot_Developer_News_Episode_57_-_2013-08-26.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:42pm EDT

See the shownotes on the podcast page at

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-56-08-19-2013.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:42pm EDT

A recent SSL / TLS vulnerability causes temporary panic in the recording room when Joel knocks over the headphone mixer... But seriously folks, it's a doosie, one we'll be watching over the next few weeks. The mixer mishap is pretty funny though.

Our news items this week:

  • 1 - What, another one? I just got over becoming a craftsman, and that’s after I became more Agile? What’s next, the hyper reactive manifesto? I’m getting it, I’m getting it, geez!!!
  • 2 Candy Chat - Javascript multi-user chat (Jabber) client
  • 3 Bower recommends you check in your dependencies - Addy Osmani -
  • 4 AngularJS - great article on using filters - his Part 1 article on the basics is also good
  • 6 Don Coleman's bluetooth serial plugin is now approved for PhoneGap Build.
  • 7 Docker Jenkins plugin -
  • 8 More security nightmares - the HTTPS, SSL and TLS attack that hacks key secrets of an encrypted connection in 30 seconds or less (or the meal is free?)

The DevNews is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services. Contact us today to learn about our private training and mentoring capabilities.

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-54-2013-07-04.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 10:02pm EDT

Joel and Ken cover:

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-53-2013-07-29.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 8:52pm EDT

Show Links

We're brought to you by Chariot Solutions Education Services. Looking for training or team, one-on-one mentoring in Java, Spring, Grails, Tomcat/tc Server, Maven or another technology? Contact us, we're here to help you learn.

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-52-2013-07-22.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 2:58pm EDT

The DevNews is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services. Visit our website and sign up for private or public training in Android, Scala, Spring, Hibernate, Maven, and more.

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-51-July-15-2013.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:43pm EDT

It's the Dev News's 50th show today, yep, that's right, we're turning 50. Stay tuned…


New Philly ETE presentations on

Ken and Joel
(The opinions on this podcast do not represent those of our employer, Chariot Solutions.) 

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-50-2013-07-08.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

This week we're reviewing our favorite tools, development and otherwise.

Joel and Ken talk about:

  • and - two browser-based tools that make fiddling with Javascript easy and fun
  • Trello - a good project-board tool.
  • Codiqa - a browser-based mobile IDE for PhoneGap/JQuery Mobile
  • Apigee - web service / data service hosting platform.
  • Cloudbees - mentioned when talking about hosted development tool suites, includes git/svn, wikis, Jenkins, hosting of the app itself, etc...
  • Flowdock - A great project team conversation tool.
  • Asana - A todo list tool, getting-things-done-style.
  • VIM + CI + Janus = simplicity


Direct download: Chariot-devnews49-Tools-All-The-Way-Down.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:51pm EDT

It's the big return of the regular DevNews this week. My co-host Joel Confino and I discuss lots of big data stuff, including:

  • They hype it, then they try to kill it - Why Big Data is not truth - just using Big Data techniques doesn’t make it easy to select good data to begin with, or properly apply statistical and scientific methods, but it does make it faster. Joel and I discuss the pros and cons of this article. Speaking of hype, here's the Gartner Research Hype Cycle for ya.
  • Joel suggests we may want to eat some Kale - Big Data statistical methods in use to find website issues - Introducing Kale
  • Appropos (sic?) of nothing, here's an article that triggered my website security concerns - ever hear of Content Security Policy? Deeper W3C people know about it. It's been implemented in newer versions of Firefox, Chrome, WebKit, Internet Explorer, and other browsers. A draft of version 1.1 has hit, and basically it uses some HTTP headers to turn off/moderate access to embedded scripts and eval() calls. Check it out and add it to your hotlist of security measures.
  • Here's an idea: go ahead and try to write an application that reaches over 90% of your smartphone's population. Quick quiz: which one of the major technologies (iOS or Android) would you reach with one version of your software? If you guessed Android, BUZZZT! Maybe not. Turns out iOs is not fragmenting as much as Android is. Guess Apple gets their users to upgrade more. See what Joel and I have to say about it.
  • What do you know? Ok, maybe not everything. In fact, definitely not everything. To prove it, Sijin Joseph has put together a web page with a Programmer Competency Matrix. The matrix lays out some areas in which the writer feels a person is not knowledgeable (2^n), has basic knowledge (n^2), has expertise (n), or is a guru (log(n))... I knew we'd get SICP in there somewhere - see the books section.
  • We take some time to discuss the article that finally said what we're all thinking. It's time to talk to your Mother in Law - a GigaOm article on LinkedIn endorsements. Wait, this has merit to talk about, because we can claim it's a large amount of data being acquired for use by LinkedIn.
  • Netflix is on(to) something. See this fabulous Github IO Page where they list out all of their open-sourced libraries and APIs and use their own movies template to do so. Simply fantastic, and shows their deep commitment to the open source community. One of their most recent contributions is Genie, which manages deploying code to AWS instances and is on Joel's research shortlist.

To leave us feedback on the show, send us a message on Twitter as @techcast, we'd love to hear from you.

Ken Rimple

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-48-2013-06-24.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:23pm EDT

Chariot's Steve Smith attended Apple's World-wide developer conference last week, and we sat down today to talk to him about it.


  • WWDC ticket ordering process fun
  • New hardware releases
  • iOS 7 features
  • OS X Mavericks
  • His view as a mobile developer of iOS over the years including open source projects, etc...

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-episode_47-Steve-Smith-on-iOS-and-WWDC.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 10:47am EDT

Rebooting this podcast starting THIS WEEK!  I hope to have one developer news every other week, starting today.

This summer has been anything but a vacation, with our training exploding and me spending lots of time in the classroom. I've also penned two updates to Spring Roo in Action, so I've been pretty busy. But I realized we haven't been updating the DevNews, so let's get back to it, shall we?


Our Sponsor -special training deals from Chariot Solutions Education Services

Save $200 now on the upcoming Core Spring training on 9/11 - 9/14-2012 at Chariot Solutions in Fort Washington (Philly) PA by using the offer code back2school. Course details at

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-46-2012-08-20.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:53pm EDT


  • Chariot Solutions Education Services - Training in Spring, Hibernate, Scala, Maven and more. Visit us on the web at


  • Scalathon 2012


  • Rod Johnson Leaving VMWare
  • Spring project infrastructure maturing
  • FuseSource acquired by RedHat


  • Java Posse #387 - features NoSQL discussion from the Java Posse Roundup 2012 in Crested Butte, CO
  • Chariot TechCast #72 - out on June 8th, Jamie Allen on Scala past present and future

Chariot Authors corner

  • Chariot bloggers - Lyle Anderson - two part article series on Flyway Migrations and Maven
  • Chariot bloggers - Ken Rimple - Spring Roo and Web Flow on Java.Net
  • Chariot bloggers - Anatoly Polinsky - something deeper - Scala: fun with CanBuildFrom - a way of building collections via a type of builder pattern Chariot bloggers -
  • Chariot Bloggers - John Shepard - UTF-16 for Grammars - quick code sample printing out some of the standard grammar elements in the unicode UTF 16 character space.


  • Andrea OK Wright's presentation on Polyglot programming, using Scala as a host language to execute Python code. Extremely well annotated and detailed. A must read if you're thinking of embedding one language within another, as she shows the breadth of techniques available.
Direct download: DeveloperNews45.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 1:44pm EDT

Rich Freedman lent some time to talk to Ken Rimple tonight over skype and re-launch the Developer News series, which has been on hiatus since February. Here are some of the topics they discussed:

The developer productivity tools they mentioned were:

  • Notational Velocity - Rich's note taking tool that has an Android API
Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-44-04-26-2012.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 10:32pm EDT

In this fine episode, we cover:

Thanks for listening.


Chariot Solutions Sponsors the Chariot TechCast. Visit Chariot Solutions on the web at and learn about our project consulting, mentoring and training services. 

Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise is happening on April 10-11, 2012. Early Bird specials run until mid-February. Grab your tickets before they all sell out. See the amazing speaker list, including Yehuda Katz, Matz (creator of Ruby), Douglass Crockford, and many more. 

Ken, Gordon and Steve

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-42-01-30-2012.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:05pm EDT

DevNews #41 is brought to you by Chariot Solutions, leaders in software development in mobile, web, and integration, as well as mentoring and training. Find out about our services at


Big thanks and congratulations to my co-host Jason Grittman, who is moving to California - this is his last show (as a regular!). Thanks Jason for all of your help! We'll hope to have you back soon from your new roost in Silicon Valley!


Well, it's a sad day in Chariot DevNews land. We have to say goodbye to Jason Grittman, who is leaving for a new gig on the west coast. 

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-41-2012-01-16.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 1:37pm EDT

Show Notes

Ken & Jason

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-40-Many-Spring-Announcements.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 2:42pm EDT

Welcome to Episode 39!  This week we discussed:


Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-39-2011-10-18.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:13pm EDT

This week we catch up with all of the world's news in what normally is a quiet August. Then we discuss some new releases in the Firefox world, the new Java Lambda decision, Java 7 features, and a warning about Java 7 and Lucene.

Hosts:  Jason Gtitman and Ken Rimple

Show Notes

Direct download: chariot-devnews-38-2011-09-09.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 8:48am EDT

Joining Ken Rimple this week are Jamie Allen (@jamie_allen) and Jason Gritman.  Topics discussed:

Getting Involved

Want to send us audio feedback?  Email your feedback, or even better, record your MP3 and share it with, or tweet us at @techcast.  We'd love to put your question, comment, rant or clarification on the air.  But please keep it civil...  

Events / Sponsorship

Chariot Solutions sponsors this DevNews episode.  

Training Events in August:

Find out more about our courses, including Maven, Spring, and Rails, at

Direct download: DeveloperNews-37-2011-07-19.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:24pm EDT

What a couple of weeks!

The Philly Emerging Tech 2011 Conference really knocked me for a loop. What a great show, and so much to process from it too. We'll have content coming in very soon, including screencasts of close to a dozen sessions. Look for announcements here and on our blog soon.

The news this week

So, we're joined this week by @kgriffin - no, not Kathy Griffin, Kevin Griffin (one's British, the other is on the B-List...) Kevin talks to us about iOS 5, what we know, what we can say without getting in big trouble. We also talk about some other things such as the HTML5 web workers API.

Then, I run through some articles, including Ubuntu's shiny new upcoming Unity desktop, the move by Oracle to open source Java even more by handing out Open JDK 7 as the new JDK RI (I know, right?), the VMWare vFabric internal cloud offering (Chariot is a SpringSource/VMware partner but we're including it because we talked about the Cloud Foundry offering, and this is a contrasting offering). We take Ben Darfler's (@bdarfler) audio feedback on the inaccuracies of our recent reporting about Jenkins and Hudson. Thanks to Ben for that feedback note!



Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-36-2011-06-14.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:10pm EDT

In this week's episode, we've given Eric a lot of coffee and set him loose on the Google I/O announcements.  We also discuss the new Scala / Akka company, TypeSafe, Hudson being donated to the Eclipse foundation, 7 inch tablets, and Matt Riable's foray into demonstrating Java EE 6 security.

The views and opinions expressed by Eric and Ken are their own, and not official viewpoints of Chariot Solutions. That said, enjoy!

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-35.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

Davis Frank is an agile software engineer who created and contributes to the  open source Jasmine javascript testing framework.  He created the project to help him test applications for the former Palm, now HP webOS mobile application platform, which is written in native Javascript.   Pivotal has a number of projects related to jasmine on github, including the port of Jasmine to the HP WebOS framework, which he also created.

He is speaking at the Philadelphia Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference next week, and his talk, Practical Jasmine, will start with a 10 minute quick demo, then dive into real tips on how to best use (see how I didn't use utilize?) the framework.  We spoke last week about a number of topics, including how Javascript is just a bit different than other languages, how the current testing tools didn't meet the needs of Pivotal when they were developing applications on the HP WebOS mobile platform, and about where to go to see well-written Jasmine tests (how about the Jasmine source code itself?)




This podcast is sponsored by Heroku - they let you deploy and scale powerful ruby-based applications on their rock-solid platform in the cloud. For more information, visit

Direct download: ChariotTechCast-Episode-63-Davis-Frank-Jasmine.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 1:39pm EDT

Hello there, and welcome to April 1st. Still working on those screenshot URLs from our episode on Friday, but we do have the links from articles we spoke about in the podcast below.

Have a great week.

Ken and Eric

The opinions expressed on our developer news show are wholly those of Eric and Ken, and not official statements from Chariot Solutions.

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-34.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:07pm EDT

We start out this week looking at the career of superprogrammer Fabrice Bellard, and move on to topics as different as RSA seed files and potential compromise, Apple's 10.6.7 update, graphing and data visualization, metaprogramming in Ruby, heck the list goes on and on…

Brought to you by Chariot Solutions Education Services.  This Spring we have a Spring special - our Spring training courses are off-the-hook affordable for the months of April and May!  Save some money and learn how we deliver superior training in Spring, Maven, Hibernate, and much more at  Chariot Solutions is a VMware and Sonatype education services partner.


Direct download: Chariot-Devnews-Epsiode-33-2011-03-22.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:54pm EDT

Welcome to our Developer News, Episode #32. Eric is here in spirit and on assignment. He donated three articles - see if you can see which ones are his!. As usual, our dev news show notes are here, but can be accessed at


Philly Emerging Tech - Seats are running out! Don't forget, register for Philly Emerging Tech, unless you don't want to meet everybody in open source mobile, Java, Javascript, OSGi, Ruby, NoSQL and a ton of other technologies.

Chariot Education Services - Fantastic discounts on our training courses in the months of March and April. Visit for our course calendar today. Save almost $800 on our four-day SpringSource courses and $100 off our Maven training during March and April.

All the best, Ken

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-32-2011-03-11.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:53pm EDT

The TechCast is brought to you this (and every) week by our employer / sponsor, Chariot Solutions.  We have lots of training in Spring and Maven coming up in March, and if you hurry you can enjoy an early bird special rate.  Visit our training calendar at

Links (in no specific order - you can view them also at

Sponsor Links

Hurry and register for our Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise before IT FILLS UP.

For SpringSource, Maven and custom training, come learn at Chariot. Course and calendar information available at We've extended the Core Spring and Spring Enterprise Integration course early bird specials for March!

Ken and Eric

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-Episode-31-02-23-2011.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:21pm EDT

Show notes to follow.  For now, visit

Ken & Eric

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-30-02-07-2011.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:44pm EDT

This week's Dev News is brought to you by the letter 'M', as in 'WebM'.  Google has announced that future releases of the Chrome browser will no longer support H.264, instead moving to the new WebM and VP8 codec/format.  So we riff on that for a while.  If you want a really good analysis from people who know Google and video really well, check out the latest episode of This Week in Google from the TWIT network.

We also discuss the App Store trend - both of us have used the Apple Mac App Store, and kinda like it, from a consumer perspective.

Big news in JRuby-land, a big release, we have it covered.  Also we talk about a very nice little feature in Spring's property placeholder configuration that enables default values, right in the XML.  And we follow up with a discussion on Rich Hickey's decision to close financial donations to the Clojure project.

Show notes (until it dies) are currently available on  Ken apologizes for the audio quality as he recorded it on his Macbook Air's internal mic, forgetting to bring his mics back from a recording session with 'da band' this weekend.

Have a good week.

Ken & Eric



Direct download: Chariot-DevNews_29-2011-01-14.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 12:40pm EDT

Eric and Ken talk about Amazon's new DNS server, Route 53, discuss Matt Raible's excellent web frameworks comparison study, discuss resources for Scala from the Basement Coders, talk about a new mixin feature request around the Ruby language, and more.

Disclaimers: Chariot is a SpringSource partner, and uses Amazon and Google services. The opinions of Eric and Ken do not reflect anything other than their viewpoints. Enjoy.

Direct download: chariot-devnews-28-12-07-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:17pm EDT

This week's show includes BREAKING NEWS (we need some sort of web effect for this) - Apple is joining the Open JDK.  Should really mix things up.

This podcast is brought to you by Chariot Solutions.  We're hiring!  Visit our recruiting page for more details. 

Sponsored Events:

Act now for savings - use discount code 'spring25' for 25% off either of the Spring courses.


Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-27-11-11-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 11:30am EDT

Ok, folks.  So many things happened in the past week that we needed to get an episode out to talk about them. Not that Eric or me have any line into correct reasoning behind anything, but we wanted to talk, so here it is:  our Cats-and-Dogs episode!

We have several debates raging in Java-land right now, between the "Spring is a legacy framework" bruhaha, the movement to OpenJDK by IBM, and Apple's deprecation of the OS X JDK.  We attempt to take no side, but we also leave no stone unturned (or is that Tern unstoned) in our efforts to open up debate on these topics...



Standard Podcast Disclaimers:

  • The views expressed are not those of Chariot Solutions, and are opinions of Ken and Eric
  • Chariot Solutions partners with JBoss and SpringSource

Send feedback to us on twitter!  @techcast for the show, or @krimple for Ken, @time2code for Eric



Ken and Eric

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews26-Oct23-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 1:57pm EDT

Do you know why you're binding those HQL parameters? Want to make the simplest AppEngine application in Groovy? How about learning about why you're such a bad programmer (that includes all of us, according to the post).

All this and more in today's Developer News for Thursday October 7, 2010.

Have a great week!  - Ken and Eric.

Sponsored by: Chariot Solutions Events and Training for Fall/Winter 2010/11:

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-25-10-07-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 11:05am EDT

We've all been very busy of late.  Just got a chance to catch up and so we have lots to talk about in episode #24. 


Upcoming Events

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-24-09-20-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:25pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 23 - I hereby patent strange podcast episode titles...

(Sorry for the delay between shows lately.  It's the summer, and I was away on vacation...)

Especially THIS week, the opinions of Ken and Eric do not reflect the opinions of Chariot Solutions...

Speaking of this week, here are the links, found also on at

Links you can use!

Blog / Podcast Disclosure:  we have partnered or worked in various capacities with a number of the companies mentioned in the show, including Sun, Oracle, Google and SpringSource.

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-23-08-24-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:12pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 22 - We've Got Mobile and CI, Digg and grails sharding, and more

Thanks to Kevin Griffin for joining Eric Snyder and myself this week.

Articles of interest


The Chariot DeveloperNews is sponsored by Chariot Solutions. In September we are running a number of training courses in the Spring Framework, including Enterprise Integration with Spring and Hibernate with Spring. We are also running two one-day Maven courses - an Intro and Advanced course. Check our course calendar at

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-22-08-08-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:03pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 21 - We have Rails 3 RC1, Grails and Griffon, and more!

In the DevNews today...

Sponsor Moment:

We are sponsored / supported by our employer, Chariot Solutions, a leader in development and integration services in areas such as Java, Spring, Flex and Ruby on Rails.  Visit to see our online training calendar.  We're hosting courses in Spring and Maven this fall.  Check us out today.

Podcast Disclosures:

We are partners with SpringSource, SonaType and Engine Yard, all of whom which may have been mentioned either directly or indirectly in this podcast.

Ken & Eric

Direct download: Chariot-DeveloperNews-21-07-29-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:49pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 20 - Start, Finish, or Play the Game
Amongst our weaponry...

For the full list of developer news URLs we considered, head over to

Ken & Eric

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-20-07-14-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:26pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 19 - Releases Releases, oh pay me, HTML5 salary please

Chariot Developer News Episode #19

Hosts: Ken Rimple and Eric Snyder

The watchword this week is Release... Many releases upcoming or out, including FireFox 4 beta/preview 1, Tomcat 7 beta 1, and the upcoming Passenger 3 and GMail with HTML 5.

Links are not being loaded to delicious yet, so here they are in their glory!

Direct download: DevNews-Episode-19-07-01-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:47pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 18 - HTML 5, Google CL, Spring Security Patch, and more

Today's episode is #18.  We discuss a number of technologies.  LINKS, provided by the code snippet below!


If you're curious, here's how we fetched and converted the list from delicious rss using Groovy Console

def feed = new XmlSlurper()
  println "<ul>" { feedData ->
      println "<li><a href='${}' " +
println "</ul>"
return null 



Ken & Eric

PS - Standard disclosure:  Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource partner.

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-18-2010-06-23.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 1:12pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 17 - Roo, Gradle, Grails, Rails, Security and Cloud Backup

Our development news episode today is brought to you by the letter 'C'.  C is for Cloud.


Upcoming Events @ Chariot:

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-17-2010-06-02.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 10:39am EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 16 - Hush huh, Py Py, Hush Hush Maven-I, HTML 5 (sing it!)

Your bi-(hopefully)weekly dish of developer news, served up fresh and hot.  Well, ok, one day later than originally recorded.

An un-expergated version of the links is available at


Chariot Training Events (shameless but relevant plug) related to the show

Partners discussed in this podcast:

  • Sonatype
  • SpringSource
  • Engine Yard
Direct download: DevNews-Episode-16-05-25-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 11:59pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 15 - Macros, Compositional UI vs HTML/CSS, Python and Ruby goodness

It has been quite a dry spell in podcast land for the listeners.  We've been recovering from running Philly ETE last month, and are just starting to dig out.  Content will now start coming out in regular frequency again on the Techcast. *Phew!*

This DevNews edition is more of a housecleaning of links than before.  The full list we put up there is at, but we only cover about 9 links or so...

News Items (covered today)

The usual podcast disclaimer:  The opinions expressed on the DevNews are those of the participants, and not official positions of Chariot Solutions.  Also, we discuss a few technologies from our partners.  Partners of Chariot Solutions include

  • SpringSource / VMWare
  • JBoss, a division of Redhat
  • Engine Yard

Panelists today:  Ken Rimple & Eric Snyder


Direct download: Chariot-devnews-15-05-10-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT

DevNews taking a break this week...

Sorry for the late notice, gang.  Since I run the techcast and I'm consumed with various education admin / teaching responsibilities this week, we're going to take a break for one week.  We will resume next week, and will also start pushing some ETE podcasts as well. Stay tuned, and as always, thanks for listening to the techcast!

Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:58pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 14 - Sinatra, Rack frameworks, Groovy++, Rails 3, Flask and lots more

Until we can load the show notes, please visit


Ken, Eric & Gordon


Direct download: ChariotDevNews-14-04-19-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:04pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 13 - Cassandra likes the Groovy Python Migration Script!

Lots of topics this week.  Shownotes are available on as well. Submit your story ideas as tag "devnewsideas" and we'll look for them before each show.

Thanks for listening.  You can head over to the DevNews forum at PhillyEmergingTech to leave feedback or discuss the show.  Forums:

Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource and EngineYard partner (relevant partners for this podcast episode.

Ken Rimple & Eric Snyder

Direct download: Chariot-Developer-News-Episode-13.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:04pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 12 - Countdown…  HTML in 5, Flex in 4, Spring in 3.0.2, darn!

Show notes available at

Hope to see you at ETE 2010 - if not, please visit the techcast site, or for news about show recordings and video.

Ken & Gordon


Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-12-04-06-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:47pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 11 - Fluffy Cloud Computing, Rails with any JAR, jQuery for all...

Bookmarks available on


Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-11-03-30-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:31pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 10 - Lots of Spring and Java today

As always, social bookmarking on for the devnews

However, here are the links...


Follow us on twitter.  Official news:  @techcast and @chariotsolution - Ken Rimple is @krimple, Gordon Dickens is @gordonad

Partner Disclosures

  • Chariot has consulting and/or education partnerships with SpringSource and JBoss


Direct download: devnews-10-03-22-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:11pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 9 - We Drizzle CouchDB all over the MySQL and Gradle it out to teams who pair...

Due to all of my various time constraints, this is the "Brown Bag" edition of the Developer news - now without jazz!

Our show bookmarks can be found on:


Ken, Eric (apparently earlier I wrote Scott) & Gordon


Direct download: devnews9-03-15-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:12pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 8 - Grails, Griffon, Django, db4o and more!

Links to follow soon…  You can read the devcast bookmarks at


Ken, Brent, Eric and Gordon

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Episode-8-03-08-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:37pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 7 - PyCon 2010, Unladen Swallows, Rocket Scientists, and more

Developer news segments are a weekly program, run by Chariot's application developers and architects.  This week we discuss PyCon 2010 with Eric Snyder.

Links can also be found on at

Submitting a news link?  Just add one with the public tag 'devnewsideas' and we'll try to incorporate it into the show.

Note:  Sorry about the audio in this show - we need to set up better mics for a multi-guest recording...

Links for this show:

Thanks from Ken, Brent, Eric and Gordon!


Direct download: Chariot-DevCast-Episode-7-Mar-1-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 11:22am EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 6 - Lots of new software releases

All DevNews bookmarks are available at

Thanks for listening!

Ken & Brent

Direct download: Chariot-DevCast-Episode-6-Feb-22-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 6:30pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 5 - Clojure, Charting, Scripting is Groovy...

Sponsorship:  Our sponsor this week is the Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference.  Early bird registration is extended - get your tickets this week - more information, including our schedule, is available at  Speakers include Uncle Bob Martin, Michael Cote, and many, many others.

You can find the articles we've bookmarked at  Our URL for this week is:

As always, you can bookmark items of interest on and add the tag "devnewsideas" and we'll try to incorporate them into the show.

Ken & Brent

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-Epsiode-5-02-15-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:11pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 4 - Grails, Rails, Roo, Java and Haiku!

We have a bevy of good links this week.  As usual, Brent and Ken put together their favorite web links on delicious.  Review them here:

Sponsors from this episode include SpringSource, Sun, and EngineYard.


Direct download: DevNews-Epsiode-4-02-08-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:32pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Epsiode 3 - Rails 3 online seminar, NoSQL, Grails and Flex, Grails Testing, and more!

Chariot Developer News episode #3 - February 1 2010

News Links:

You can follow all of our links on Delicious.  Head over to for the details.


The opinions expressed by Ken and Brent do not necessarily form policy decisions at Chariot, for the US State department, or in the Federation of Planets...

Ah, disclosure law.  Partners discussed in the podcast:

  • SpringSource
  • EngineYard (forgot it in the audio stream but we talked about Rails 3)
  • Sun (discussing the Oracle merger)


  • Brent Baxter can be reached via his blog: or twittered at @brentbaxter
  • Ken Rimple can be reached at the all-encompassing, or via @krimple
  • Send us feedback publicly using #techcast on twitter, or leave a comment on the blog, or privately via email (techcastfeedback at

Upcoming Events:

  • Philly Emerging Tech - early bird special, save $$$ before February 15!  
  • Philadelphia Spring User Group Meeting - February 11th - at Chariot Solutions, 515 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 202, Fort Washington PA.  Details at the Philly Spring site.



Direct download: Chariot_Dev_Newscast_3_02-01-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 4:48pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Episode 2 - Languages galore!

Developer NewsCast #2 - January 25, 2010 Hosts: Brent Baxter and Ken Rimple Our news links can be found at Disclosures related to show content: Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource, Sun and JBoss Partner.

Direct download: Chariot-Newscast-2-01-25-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:26pm EDT

Chariot DevNews Epsiode 1 - Spring 3 ripple effect, facebook friends and more

This is our first Developer News podcast episode. We hope you like it. Links can be found by browsing our Delicious tags. Head over to for the links that made up today's show. Leave us feedback on twitter with #techcast, or email

Direct download: Chariot-DevNews-1-01-18-2010.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 5:11pm EDT

Episode 43d: SpringOne / 2GX - Dmitry Sklyut and Brent Baxter

A recap of the events of the last two days of SpringOne, with Brent Baxter and Dmitry Sklyut. Show notes will be available soon. Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource partner.

Direct download: TechCast-Episode-43d-SpringOne-4.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

Episode 43c: SpringOne / 2GX - Gordon Dickens show reflections

Gordon Dickens is a consultant and trainer with Chariot Solutions. We caught just before the wrap-up on Thursday to see Gordon's impressions (ask him to do Charlie Chaplain)… Gordon discusses Spring 3.0 & Java 6, JPA 2 support, Spring Integration, Spring Roo, Grails, and more. Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource consulting and training partner.

Direct download: TechCast-Episode-43c-SpringOne-3.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:35pm EDT

Episode 43b: Brent Baxter on SpringOne Day 1

Here is another perspective on SpringOne from Chariot Solutions' Brent Baxter.

Direct download: TechCast-Episode-43b-SpringOne-2.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 10:17am EDT

Gordon Dickens is a consultant and trainer with Chariot Solutions. We caught up in the early afternoon on Tuesday to catch up on Rod Johnson's keynote and topics around Spring 3.0, Grails, and some other things. Chariot Solutions is a SpringSource consulting and training partner.

Direct download: TechCast-Episode-43a-SpringOne-1.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 3:53pm EDT

Episode 21 - SpringOne Conference Redux, Day 2

Day two of SpringOne is recapped here by our three Chariot consultants in the field:  Rich Freedman (, Michael Pigg and Dmitry Sklyut ( all give us their take on the sessions of the day.  Topics covered include the Spring Tomcat server offering, Spring DM, the keynote, Spring MVC, upcoming Java EE features in Spring 3.x, and more.

Direct download: ChariotTechCast-Reporter-Notebook-Spring_One-2.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 7:46am EDT

Episode 20 - SpringOne Conference Recap, Day 1

Chariot is bringing you coverage from the 2008 SpringOne show floor. This initial podcast, recorded today with Rich Freedman, reviews the Rod Johnson keynote, including Spring 3.0 features, the upcoming "Application Configurator" and more.

Direct download: ChariotTechCast-Reporter-Notebook-Spring_One-1.mp3
Category:devnews -- posted at: 10:54pm EDT

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